MenoCare by Colette White

Your specialist guide in the

Holistic management of the menopause transition in Bonn and throughout Germany

You can trust me to help you safely navigate this journey.

Using bio/body identical hormones backed by the latest research I will help relieve your current symptoms and optimise your future health.

Colette, native english speaking, UK trained gynaecologist sitting at her desk

I am a mum and doctor from Belfast, Northern Ireland where I trained and worked in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. After completing my medical studies in Queen`s University, Belfast in 2003, I went on to pass the examination for entry to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG),London in 2010. Specialising in the medical and surgical management of benign gynaecological conditions, I completed the Advanced Special Study Module in the Management of Menopause by the RCOG in 2015. After moving to Germany with my young family and obtaining my German Approbation I founded MenoCare in order to use my skills to help women seize the opportunity that this life stage gives them to take control of their health and enable them to life better, longer.

Who am I?

Guided by the most up to date research I believe in a patient centred, holistic care. I will take the time to get a complete picture of your health concerns and exactly how your symptoms are impacting your life. I will ascertain your risk of diseases such as osteoporosis and recommend evidence based, modern and safe therapies such as body or bio-identical hormones, supported by vitamins and micronutrients when necessary, to relieve your symptoms and improve your future health.

Online and In Person Consultations are available at MenoCare

Frequently asked questions.

  • In order to make an appointment with me at MenoCare you must first set up an account with Doctolib. This is a safe and easy to use system and setting up an account is straightforward. Click here for more information regarding in person care in Bonn, and here for online consultations. If you are Geseztlich Versichert ie you have public insurance, as care through MenoCare is not covered by public healthcare you will have to cover the cost of your care yourself.

  • Whether online or in person during your first appointment with me at Menocare we will take an indepth look at your medical history, your current symptoms and your treatment goals. I can take blood to analyse your hormones and relevent vitamin and micronutrient levels. If you have any blood work or other relevant investigation already completed, you can upload them to Doctolib. This appointment will take around 45 minutes.

  • I recommend a follow up appointment 6-8 weeks after your first visit. This gives us the opportunity to assess your response to any treatment that has been started and tweak it accordingly. This appointment will last around 20 minutes. Further appointments at 6-8 weekly intervals might be necessary until a treatment plan is established. Thereafter I recommend an annual review to assess for any life or health changes that may influence your treatment. For more information on the treatment pathway in person click here and for online management click here.

  • Should you need to be reviewed outside the normal schedule please get in touch via and I will arrange review as appropriate.

  • MenoCare is a Private Medical Practice. Costs are calculated using the Grundlage der amtlichen Gebührenordnung für Ärzte (GOÄ). This is a regulated tariff and applies to those privately insured and those paying themselves. If you are privately insured, I recommend you check with your insurer if they will cover the costs of the treatment. I can not guarantee this. Unfortunately costs are not covered by the Gesetzlich Krankenkasse.

    A 45 minute consultation will cost aound €120 and a 20 minute consultation will cost €55. Blood tests incur an additional charge.

    If you require more information regarding costs please get in touch at

    Please also note that appointments that are not attended are not covered by health insurance. I kindly request that you inform me of a cancellation at least 24 hours in advance of the planned appointment. You can also cancel or rearrange your appointment via Doctolib.
    Otherwise, I am entitled to charge you a cancellation fee of 100 € privately. (Case law according to §615 BGB). Although this is due immediately, it must be paid at the latest before the next appointment. Of course, I will consider individual cases, such as emergencies, to waive the cancellation fee solely at my discretion.

  • Often women require 2-3 appointments until a treatment plan is established which controls their symptoms. After this an annual review is recommended to assess symptom control and your risk profile so that treatment can continue to be presribed. There is no set time for which a woman can take hormone treatment. This is decided based on her symptoms, risk profile and her wishes.

  • Symptoms of perimenopause can start 7 -10 years before the menopause, which is defined as 12 months after your last period. Other than a change to your menstrual cycle, it getting longer or heavier for example, there are over 70 documented symptoms of the menopause and perimenopause. Here is a list of the 42 most common symptoms.

    1. Irregular periods
    2. Heavy periods
    3. Hot flashes
    4. Night sweats
    5. Vaginal dryness
    6. Painful sex/discomfort during sex
    7. Decreased sexual drive
    8. Mood swings:
    9. Anxiety:
    10. Panic attacks:
    11. Depression:
    12. Sleep disturbances:
    13. Fatigue
    14. Difficulty concentrating
    15. Forgetfulness:
    16. Headaches:
    17. Stress incontinence:
    18. Urge incontinence:
    19. Nocturia:
    20. Painful urination:
    21. Hair loss/thinning:
    22. Weight gain:
    23. Joint pain/muscle ache:
    24. Breast tenderness/soreness:
    25. Dryness of mouth
    26. Digestive problems
    27. Osteoporosis
    28. Joint aches
    29. Migraine
    30. Body odor
    31. Gum problems
    32. Burning mouth syndrome
    33. Brittle nails
    34. Facial hair growth
    35. Dry skin
    36. Dry eyes
    37. Tingling sensations in the extremities
    38. Electric shock-like sensations
    39. Dizzy attacks
    40. Frequent allergies
    41. Irregular heartbeat/racing heart
    42. Lack of motivation

  • Download the MenoCare symptom Checker to compare your symptoms to those listed and add your own to the list to track their improvement with treatment.MenoCare Symptom Tracker

  • No. During your appointment we can decided which investigations are necessary and if you are consuted in person we can take blood during your appointment. We do not have to wait for blood tests before starting treatment.

  • During our appointment in Bonn I can take blood for analysis as necessary. There are various laboratories throughout Germany where you can have blood taken. The cost is calculated using the GOÄ. Should you need help locating a laboratory please get in touch at

  • Email :

    Post : Colette White, Menocare, PUR Gesundheitszentrum, Mechenstraße 57, 53129, Bonn

    You can make, cancel or rearrange appointments via Doctolib.

Contact Me:

E- Mail:

Mail: Colette White, Menocare, PUR Gesundheitszentrum, Mechenstraße 57, 35129, Bonn.