Your journey with

MenoCare in person.

  • 1. Create an account with Doctolib.

    Doctolib is a free and secure online portal which allows you to search for specialists and book medical appointments online. At MenoCare we take advantage of the opportunity it provides us to communicate directly with our patients, transfer documents and arrange appointments.

  • 2. Make your appointment.

    Select an appointment time that suits you. Please complete the paperwork required before attending your appointment. The first appointment will last around 45 minutes.

  • 3. Upload documents.

    You can upload the any relevant investigations, for example hormone analysis, to your Doctolib account ahead of our appointment. It is not necessarary to have blood tests done before your appointment. I can take blood for analysis during your consultation.

  • 4. Attend your consultation in Bonn

    My comfortable and private consulting room is located in Kessenich, Bonn. We will spend around 45 minutes discussing your symptoms and concerns. At the end of our consultation a summary of your consultation will be uploaded to Doctolib for you to access and you will be given a prescription for any medication recommneded and detailed instruction of how to use them and potential side effects etc.

  • 5. Make a review appointment.

    Routine review is recommended 6-8 weeks after starting medication to assess response and review the results of any investigations. This review appointment will last around 20 minutes. Once treatment is established a review appointment is recommended annually, to assess symptom control and any changes to your risk profile. Should you wish to be reviewed outside this schedule, please get in touch at